This video shows The Architectural Plan of Residential Home/House. 

Floor Area: 1850 sft. 

Unit: 2





Relevant Tags: 
Architectural Plan of Residential Home, Architectural Plan of Residential House, Architectural Plan,House plan, home plan,Residential House plan, Residential home plan,home plan in bangladesh,barir noksha, barir design, home design, house design,বাড়ির প্লান,barir plan,architectural design, barir noksa,




  1. Can you please share the wind load calculation excel sheet (with all tabs) that you used for 6 story building design tutorial? I am a subscriber of your youtube channel and blogs. That would be great help, Thanks in advance. You can mail me the excel sheet and the 4 house plans . It would be great also if you share the structural sample drawing cad file that you used in the tutorial.

    1. Can you please share the wind load calculation excel sheet (with all tabs) that you used for 6 story building design tutorial? I am a subscriber of your youtube channel and blogs. That would be great help, Thanks in advance. You can mail me the excel sheet and the 4 house plans . It would be great also if you share the structural sample drawing cad file that you used in the tutorial. Mail ID


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